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Professor Lewis J. Crawford at Nox Contemporary

Patchwork Hug No. 2, Lewis Crawford

On Friday, September 17th, 2021, Nox Contemporary will host the opening for the exhibition Genetic Quilt by Lewis J. Crawford. There will be a public reception that evening, during the Salt Lake City Gallery Stroll, from 6-8 pm.

"I am a genetic quilt. I am a body made of my ancestors’ genetic codes that have been stitched together into me. Those codes helped my body and mind grow, develop, learn, love, laugh, cry, mourn and rejoice. Their genetic quilts have become family mythologies. As my grandparents told me stories about their grandparents, those mythologies become part of my fabric. My mind holds onto those stories, and through time, I cut and patch them back together. They get altered but still help define who that ancestor is and help me understand my genetic make-up.

I started exploring these fabric pieces several years ago. I planned on creating a video installation, but the work just didn’t feel right. It wasn’t correct. It wasn’t my fabric, so I started over. I decided to approach this using the artistic tools I know and the visual language I use to create and define my stories. In the end, I created diptych symbols to represent many of the mythologies and fabric pieces of my forebearers based on the stories I remember and know. Each is a quilt of sorts, made from photographic imagery, snapped or scanned, then digitally stitched, printed, and in many instances, embroidered with graphite or ink drawings.

Their genetic codes have helped me to become an intelligent, strong-willed, opinionated, and creative human. Their mythologies have helped me connect with them as people, rejoice in their triumphs, failures, challenges, and lives.

They are me. They are why I am an artist.

For my father."

Lewis J. Crawford

Because of COVID-19, all safety measures will be taken to ensure a safe experience for all. We will require all to wear masks when entering the gallery, will enforce social distancing of 6 feet for those not in the same household, and will limit the number of people that can be in the gallery at one time. We will also not be serving refreshments and the restroom facilities will be closed to the public.

Directions: The gallery is located in the Homeless Healthcare Clinic complex at 440 S 400 W, in the southwest corner. If coming on I-15 take the 600 S exit and turn left on 400 west, make a u-turn at 400 south and take your first right into the gating parking area and drive to the end, the gallery is the last door on your left, Suite H. If you are coming from the north on I-15 take the 400 south exit and turn left on 400 west and follow the instructions above from there.

Genetic Quilt will be open by appointment to the public through Friday, November 5th, 2021. There will be a second reception during the Salt Lake Gallery Stroll on Friday, October 15th, 2021. For more information or to make an appointment for Nox Contemporary please contact

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