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The emphasis area bases its program in the conviction that clay is a viable medium for contemporary expression.  Along with early training in fundamental skills and a traditional understanding of ceramics materials, we encourage you to begin creating a visual vocabulary that best reflects you as an artist.  To deepen your experience you will take classes that focus on low-fire/high-fire, handbuilding/wheelthrowing, glaze calculation, mold making and kiln building.

The area also offers History of Ceramics and an interdisciplinary degree with Sculpture Intermedia entitled Cross 3D Focus.  As the oldest ceramics program in the inter-mountain west we provide a strong connection with history and a critical look at contemporary issues.  Our goal is to develop well-rounded artists with uniquely personal visions.

Emphasis Requirements

Ceramics Emphasis
Ceramics Minor

Additional Information

- MFA Program
- Scholarships and Financial Aid


- Ernest Gentry - Area Head
- Vanessa Romo
- Shasta Krueger

Banner Artwork Credits: Nikita Nenashev, Julia Hummer, Sierra Pete, Stone Anderson