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Urban Artworks CMES Mural

The University of Utah's Department of Art & Art History and the College of Mines and Earth Sciences began the collaborative process spring 2019 to create a new community-based mural at the Browning Building entrance. Students in the Urban Artworks and Painting Special Topics courses and CMES students, faculty, and staff joined in dialogue to develop imagery for the new 160 square foot mural.

Our art-making process is multi-faceted with shared goals of the medium of murals and working together to form the message. Student artists and CMES members initially met to enter into dialogue to understand and perceive how we all exist at the mural site. After participants reviewed secondary material, we began creating the mural imagery, going over objectives through evaluation to realize multiple focuses of themes. As a team, we select ideas that stimulate community dialogue. Together we codified our ideas, translating our research into seven to-scale maquettes. We are now presenting the maquettes to the university community to select the image that best typifies the community.

Due to the Coronavirus, we altered our traditional mural making process with technology. The final mural will be printed from the winning design on aluminum to reflect the artist's hands.